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The quest for better baby formula

Replicating human milk is no easy feat — nor is separating the science from the hype

How maternal mood shapes the developing brain

Stress and anxiety during pregnancy can mean a higher risk of offspring developing ADHD, depression or other conditions. Medical psychologist Catherine Monk explains how prenatal mental care benefits mothers and babies.

Kids in the middle

Recognizing the important role of children as cultural translators

Five mysteries about breast milk

The little that we know about breastfeeding tells us a lot — imagine if we knew more

What will it take to fix work-life balance?

It’s time to toss out the idea that dedicated professionals must always be on the clock or that retail shops will founder if they standardize employee hours, legal scholar Joan Williams says in a Q&A. The data tell a different tale.

Labor of love

Flipping the scientific thinking on our species’ “difficult childbirth”

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